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8 Superb Brand Tactics that will Help You Grow

According to Forbes, you can increase revenue by 23% if you’re consistent with your brand across all platforms. This is simply one brand tactic that you can utilize to grow your company. There are certain branding strategies that companies neglect which could affect their success. 

If you don’t want to be part of the 20% of businesses that fail in the first year, then you’ll want to read this article. We’ve provided fascinating brand tactics that will set you apart from your competitors and boost your company’s growth. 

Define the Purpose of Your Brand Tactics

When companies define their brands the first aspects that come to mind are products and services. However, brand purpose is so much more than making a profit from what you’re selling. The purpose of your brand isn’t simply advertising campaigns. It’s the reason your brand exists beyond making money. 

Here are some benefits of creating brand purpose

  • Makes the brand more appealing 
  • Creates customer loyalty
  • Makes customers feel like they’re a part of something positive 
  • Sets you apart from competitors 

Essentially, you should create a brand that solves your customers’ deepest pain points. If you really want a powerful brand you should consider creating a company that could help the environment. On the other hand, it’s important to avoid purpose washing as this can negatively affect your brand. 

Know Your Target Audience Well 

Now that you know what your brand’s purpose is you’ll find your ideal target audience. You should come to understand your target audience well. If you don’t know who your consumers are you won’t be able to provide the right services and products. Your customers will then turn to your competitors. 

By knowing your customer base, you can provide extras that they might enjoy such as: 

  • Free shipping 
  • Novelty items 
  • Freemiums 
  • Collectables 

Furthermore, knowing the budget, age and gender of your target audience will help you provide products and services specific to their needs. 

Burger Barr - brand tactic

One of the mistakes companies make is designing a logo they like instead of what appeals to their target audience. A logo is the face of your brand so it’s important to get the design right. To assist you use free logo maker software.

With the right platform you can: 

  • Customize fonts
  • Add company colors 
  • Use a unique logo style 
  • Create a design specific to your company image

Ensure your logo aligns with the purpose of your business. A well-designed logo will attract new customers and create brand awareness across all your platforms. 

Creating a Compelling Website 

One of the easiest ways to grow your online presence is through a professional website. You can’t market your company without a compelling site. A website is a place where you can add mission statements, value propositions and your company’s backstory. 

A professional website gives you the following benefits: 

  • Improves your credibility 
  • Increases your online ranking 
  • Boosts brand awareness 
  • Provides customers with valuable information 
  • A place where you can post blogs, videos and other marketing material
  • Allows you to create subscriptions

Once you’ve created your website add your contact details so customers have a way of communicating with you. 

Build Your Networking Communities 

Social media is a powerful way for small companies to boost brand awareness without spending money. It’s free to sign up to YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. All these platforms have features such as analytics that provide valuable data on your customers and their activities.

Customers can comment on posts that give insight into what they like or don’t like about your brand. Use social media as a tool to improve your products and services to keep your customers happy. 

The Benefits of Infographics 

Use infographics as a bright and colorful way to display marketing data. This type of content gets shared through many platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook. It’s an excellent tool for brand building. The benefit of infographics is that they generate more visitors to your website and social media pages. They’re also ideal for your SEO Strategies. 

Collect Testimonials 

Testimonials are an excellent way to show the benefits potential customers can experience from your brand. 95% of customers read reviews before making a purchase. 

Collect positive reviews on your products and services and showcase them on your social media platforms and on your website to boost sales. 

Final Thoughts

Small companies should utilize as many brand tactics as possible to boost their company growth. Some tactics such as brand logos and purpose should be considered before launching your company. Other strategies such as social media networking and collecting testimonials will come after. Use the brand tactics mentioned in this article if you want to boost sales and increase your revenue!

Check out another interesting article to help you brand grow: https://foxandthelion.com/marketing-5-insanely-powerful-marketing-tools/

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